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2.Enrollment and Underwriting

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Table 34 Group Insurance Applicants by Beneficiary Category, NHI Regional Division and Locale 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 34 Group Insurance Applicants by Beneficiary Category, NHI Regional Division and Locale(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 34 Group Insurance Applicants by Beneficiary Category, NHI Regional Division and Locale(.xlsx File Download)(Open in a new window) 1158
Table 35 Group Insurance Applicants by Beneficiary Category and Scale 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 35 Group Insurance Applicants by Beneficiary Category and Scale(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 35 Group Insurance Applicants by Beneficiary Category and Scale(.xlsx File Download)(Open in a new window) 1141
Table 36 Beneficiaries by Beneficiary Category, NHI Regional Division and Locale 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 36 Beneficiaries by Beneficiary Category, NHI Regional Division and Locale(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 36 Beneficiaries by Beneficiary Category, NHI Regional Division and Locale(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window) 1250
Table 37 Beneficiaries by Gender and Age 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 37 Beneficiaries by Gender and Age(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 37 Beneficiaries by Gender and Age(.xlsx File Download)(Open in a new window) 1179
Table 38 Beneficiaries by NHI Regional Division, Gender and Age 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 38 Beneficiaries by NHI Regional Division, Gender and Age(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 38 Beneficiaries by NHI Regional Division, Gender and Age(.xlsx File Download)(Open in a new window) 1112
Table 39 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Insured Payroll-Related Amount 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 39 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Insured Payroll-Related Amount(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 39 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Insured Payroll-Related Amount(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window) 1130
Table 40 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Premium Contribution from the Insured 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 40 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Premium Contribution from the Insured(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 40 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Premium Contribution from the Insured(.XLS File Download)(Open in a new window) 1146
Table 41 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Number of Dependents 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 41 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Number of Dependents(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 41 The Insured by Beneficiary Category and Number of Dependents(.xlsx File Download)(Open in a new window) 1139
Table 42 Premium Receivables by Beneficiary Category and Source 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 42 Premium Receivables by Beneficiary Category and Source(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 42 Premium Receivables by Beneficiary Category and Source(.xlsx File Download)(Open in a new window) 1180
Table 43 Premium Exemption Person-time by Beneficiary Category and Exemption Item 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 43 Premium Exemption Person-time by Beneficiary Category and Exemption Item(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 43 Premium Exemption Person-time by Beneficiary Category and Exemption Item(.xlsx File Download)(Open in a new window) 1116
Table 44 Premium Exemption by Beneficiary Category and Exemption Item 2017-06-13 2018-09-20 Table 44 Premium Exemption by Beneficiary Category and Exemption Item(.xlsx File Download)(Open in a new window)Table 44 Premium Exemption by Beneficiary Category and Exemption Item(.ODS File Download)(Open in a new window) 1156