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Professionals From International Medical Institutions in the Free Economic Pilot Zones Remain to Serve Taiwan

  • Data Source:Department of Medical Affairs
  • Created:2014-06-20
  • Last Updated:2024-04-25

People have questioned “whether Taiwanese medical personnel who choose to work for international medical institutions in the Free Economic Pilot Zones can still practice domestically and provide medical services for the people of Taiwan.” The Ministry of Health and Welfare clarifies this point as follows: 
The Ministry of Health and Welfare reiterates that Taiwan possesses a complete health care system that provides its people with equal and high-quality health care services. The government is currently planning the development of international medical institutions in the Free Economic Pilot Zones. This will absolutely not affect the medical interests of the people of Taiwan and the health insurance resources available to them. Foreigners and Taiwanese people must both bear their own expenses when seeking medical treatment within the Free Economic Pilot Zones. 
In addition, physicians who are not registered to practice within the Free Economic Pilot Zones can provide medical services within the zones for emergency aid, joint consultation, and support with fixed time restrictions. The Ministry of Health and Welfare is taking a flexible approach in the hope of providing more job opportunities and choices within Taiwan to retain Taiwanese professionals. A number of countries neighboring Taiwan are seeking to recruit Taiwanese medical personnel. If Taiwanese physicians leave the country, they will truly become unable to serve the people of Taiwan.