
Details of the fifth meeting of the MOHW ad hoc group in response to the Formosa Fun Coast Dust Explosion

  • Data Source:Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Created:2015-07-03
  • Last Updated:2017-01-11

In response to the needs for medical care and social welfare in the aftermath of the Formosa Fun Coast incident, Minister Chiang Been-huang presided at the fifth meeting of the ad hoc group of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) on the afternoon of July 3, to continuously follow up the inventory of medical capacity, medical treatment, supply of medications and medical supplies, risk assessments for the injured, case-based care, and social welfare and relief services. The group also explored and discussed matters such as support from abroad, distribution of donations, deployment of supporting medical personnel and expenses incurred. 

1. A single window will be set up for liaison with overseas support providers. However, the cadaver skin provided by foreign countries should still conform to the international standards and the applicable provisions of the Human Organ Transplantation Statute. 

2. The MOHW reiterated that the medical expenses incurred as a result of this accident and covered by the health insurance will not be included in the total amount of health insurance of hospitals for this year. The National Health Insurance Administration will reimburse or advance the amounts reported by the medical institutions. 

3. If it is found that the medications stocked at a hospital are not sufficient for at least five days, the Food and Drug Administration of the MOHW will take the initiative to ask the hospital about its needs and help with deployment of the medications. From next Monday onwards, domestic manufacturers will be able to produce an average of about 2,300 pots of burn ointment per day (the current estimate is 1,800 pots of ointment per day) for supply to the medical institutions. 

4. The MOHW will convene a meeting with experts and scholars to further discuss matters related to the coordination and distribution systems for the cadaver skin. 

5. Statistics of hospitalization and treatment for the victims of the Formosa Fun Coast explosion (as of 12:00 on 7/3): 449 people continued to be hospitalized (211 were in critical condition, and 255 were in the intensive care units of 41 hospitals), and two have passed away. 

Right now the injured are being treated at different hospitals. The MOHW will continue to monitor the supply of human resources and medical devices to the hospitals during the entire treatment process, and put its best effort into the inventory of current and reserve personnel and materials for better monitoring. The relevant expenses will be handled under an ad hoc plan to allow medical personnel to fully focus on helping people without worrying about other things. The MOHW believes that all medical teams and citizens in Taiwan will provide the strongest support for the injured, and it is calling for people to participate in efforts to save and treat the injured.