
The Ministry of Health and Welfare Will Continue to Monitor Product Sources to Ensure That Demands for Victims’ Surgical DressingsAre Met

  • Data Source:Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Created:2015-07-04
  • Last Updated:2017-01-11

In response to increased medical demands resulting from the Formosa Fun Coast Dust Explosion, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) made the following statement this evening (7/4): 

1. In addition to cadaveric skin, artificial skin or dressing products, such as Acticoat, can also be used to treat burns following debridement. The MOHW Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ensured that relevant suppliers have sufficient stock. Furthermore, the Ministry will continue to monitor product sources worldwide, ensuring that victims’ surgical demands are met. 

2. The first batch of cadaveric skin (115 grafts totaling 37,000 cm2) was checked and accepted this morning (7/4). The second batch (90,000 cm2) is expected to arrive in Taiwan this afternoon, and the third batch (120,000 cm2) by tomorrow (7/5). Due to the accident, a total of 247,000 cm2 of cadaveric skin has been procured to satisfy demand. An expert meeting will be held tomorrow morning (7/5) to discuss allocation rules and related matters, as well as distribute supplies according to the demands of various hospitals.